Medical Laboratory Science eBooks

First Year Level

CHEM1 - Inorganic and Organic Chemistry

MT-1 - Principles of Medical Laboratory Science Practice 1

Second Year Level

ANAPHY - Human Anatomy and Physiology with Pathophysiology

CHEM3 - Biochemistry for Medical Laboratory Science

CPH - Community and Public Health for Medical Laboratory Science

MLTBE - Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics

BIOEPI - Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Third Year Level

RESEARCH1 - Introduction to Med. Lab Science Research

CC1 - Clinical Chemistry 1

MICRO1 - Clinical Bacteriology

HEMA 1 - Hematology 1

IS - Immunology and Serology

PARA - Clinical Parasitology

PSTMLS - Principles and Strategies of Teaching in Medical Laboratory Science